
Showing posts from August, 2021

Best Mouthwash and Nasal Spray for COVID-19 in Malaysia 2021

The COVID-19 Delta variant replicates to achieve high viral loads in the throat. Therefore, appropriate mouthwashes will likely reduce the viral load in the throat and thereby reducing the risk of severe disease due to the viral load in the lungs. One of the key approaches to minimize the risk of severe COVID-19 and also transmission would be to reduce the viral load of COVID-19 virus in the saliva, throat and nose.  Best Mouthwashes for COVID-19 according to evidence 2021 There are lots of great mouthwashes out there, and this list is by no means complete. We’ve included therapeutic mouthwashes with proven anti-COVID-19 ingredient, you can buy over the counter. 1. Betadine Mouthwash Malaysia Buy at Lazada The antiseptic povidone-iodine has immediate virucidal effects against COVID-19 virus. There are 6 published studies on povidone-iodine for COVID-19  ( ). Instructions: Gargle twice a day or after having been out for prevention, and three times a day for early treatment o

Where to buy Pulse Oximeter in Malaysia?

If you are looking for the best pulse oximeter in Malaysia , you've come to the right place. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the entire world. With the number of cases increasing daily, people have already started looking for methods to keep a check on their own health. The pulse oximeter is one such device that has been widely used since this coronavirus pandemic started spreading in different countries. It is a small electronic device that measures your oxygen saturation level and your heart rate as well. Collecting data on oxygen levels is crucial because people with COVID-19 may suffer from "silent hypoxia", a dangerous condition in which they do not outwardly appear to be short of breath, but are confirmed to be so through a pulse oximeter test. Pulse oximeters, or pulse ox, measure the amount of oxygenated blood (SpO2) in your body, giving medical professionals an idea of how much oxygen your body is carrying to vital organs and tissues.  Patients with COVID-19 w