6 Best Cloud Kitchens in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur 2021

If you are looking for the best cloud kitchens in Malaysia , you've come to the right place. Like seemingly everything else, technology has been taking over the food industry. Traditionally, around 60% of new restaurants fail within the first year, and almost 80% shut down before their fifth anniversary. What are cloud kitchens (a.k.a. ghost kitchens, shared kitchens, dark kitchens or virtual kitchens)? They have been in the news a lot lately. So chances are that you have at least heard of them. On the surface, cloud kitchens are delivery-only restaurants. Historically in tech, we have used the word "cloud" to mean either that the web-based processing happens at some remote data center or the files are saved at a data center. However, the meaning of the word has evolved lately to include anything that happens remotely so you can get the final product wherever you are. Cloud kitchens are restaurants that only have kitchens. They are essentially food pr...